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Catch-mywave, if you can.
Dictionary's Definition: Wave; A swell, surge, or rush, as of feeling or of a certain condition.
The blog's definition: catch-mywave; See if you can catch up with the inconsistent swells, surges, amplitudes that are happening in my vast-changing life. I'm finally 21, and legally able to do everything I've been doing since 15. Time flies so fast that i'm already turning 21 this year. DID YOU JUST HIGHLIGHT THIS SECTION? DONT THINK I DONT KNOW! -Alvin |
about this blog
This blog has been officially opened on April 10, 2009 and, this is gonna be my virtual barang barang garage!Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboard
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Ah Kok,
Ai Zhen,
Chin Heng ,
Derine meii,
Han En,
Jie yi,
MaMa Bear,
Princess Zhu,
Si Han,
Xin Hui,
Xiao Yuan,
Yi Yin,
Ying Hui,
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
Pearl's Optical, Jurong point level 1
now, mark the shop name i've mentioned in the subject.this shop shows the least of customer professionalism i've ever seen in my 21 years of life! now heres what happened yesterday. before meeting girlfriend, i was @ jurong point asking the sales assistant a few questions on my specs.. because theres just too much scratches that can form over less than 5 months. Thereafter, i got him to do some adjustments on my pair of army specs. Now heres the darn ironic shit part. He adjusted the frame, and guess what. HE BROKE THE LENS. [left] bullshit crap that guy. Either he has muscles so strong that can cause lenses to break while adjusting the frame or, he has so much fats on the arms that the muscles can't coordinate for nuts. I know i'm being damn sarcastic and mean towards the sales assistant but the truth is, he broke my LENS. Apparently, he suggested that he'll replace both lenses for me when he broke one of them. Boy, was i glad or what. A few minutes later, he !@#$%&* took back his words. He said, i'm going to replace your left one for free, since i broke that. I decided to get up on my feet and try to talk some sense into that big guy. A: "Eh, lenses come in a pair. Dont u think its fair u replace both since u broke one?" B: "don't you think its fair too that i replace what i broke?" A: "but if u replace the one u broke, and dun replace the other one (full of scratches), wouldn't i have imbalanced vision when i wear the specs?" B: "Well, you could PAY 40 DOLLARS to replace the right one!" WHAT THE !@#$%&* MAN, i then agreed to pay for the right one. okay la. the fact is i got one side free. But i seriously don't mind wearing the specs with scratches for another year without replacing the lens! So, i wasted 40 DOLLARS! After he issued me the official document for collecting my specs, he said i could only collect on MONDAY. I was like, MONDAY i cant man. Field camp. Theres NO WAY i will wear my casual specs out to field camp. So he agreed to give me my pair of specs on Sunday, which is tomorrow. I questioned him, if he's confident he could give me on Sunday. He said, "don't worry, i'll call you on Sunday" Lets see if that big guy would mark his own words :)
since i took nights off,
i will post someting! =Dlets start with some pictures i took while preparing girlfriend's surprise. anyway, the reason why im home is because i found this kid's ez-link card on the road side yesterday night while i was booking in. So, i decided to return it to the transitlink ticketing office and return home after that! hehe. Home's boring too, nothing much to do. Except looking at my brother that acts dumb 200% of the time. I'm serious. He's such a bitch all the time. Always picking a quarrel with the old one at home. Now, for the next topic =D ASTON (cathay) = CHEAP FOOD? eh. yes i agree. but, check out my pictures and my analogy :D There was this plaster (handiplast) together with my plate of "black pepper chicken" when i consumed at Aston @ cathay a few days back on Saturday. The plaster looks as though it was wrapped around any finger or worst still, a minor-wounded toe. And it was 'ripped' off the affected area. It wasn't 'peeled' off. A 'ripped' off plaster would retain the 'cylindrical' shape of the affected area (finger/toe). And the plaster was originally sitting nicely on the black pepper chicken. I flicked it around and off because i realised it didnt look like normal chicken skin when i got served my dish. Now, was the plaster being cooked together in the sauce or with my piece of chicken only? :D Who knows! See it at the top of the picture? :D Anyway, the manager came and apologised when we raised this issue to him. ASTON serves great cheap food but still, do have a close look at your dish when you get your piece of serving when you dine at ASTON. Normally people find insects, but insects in food are pretty common. Especially kopitiam ones. But plaster? hmm. Obviously, it's from someone that's in the kitchen :) Unless, we deduce the possibility of a customer ripping off his/her plaster and flicking it into the kitchen where my chicken was being cooked, otherwise its 100% its the kitchen staff. I believe a piece of plaster is enough to depict how much hygiene control the management has over their cooks. :(
why are u ignoring me :(
i will get you out of my house (:
the maid's playing punk.now she admits she has a boyfriend. ah bu neh boyfriend. now i aint a racist, but my dad really caught her hanging out with the guy. The guy even sent her home, back to my place, when no one was supposed to be at home. However, my dad came back early and found out about this. Now, the worst thing is, dad wants to sympathize her AGAIN. The keyword is, 'AGAIN'. Many in the family line wants her out of the house, as in back to where she came from. We want to send her back, but dad doesnt want to. And my ah ma, the one the maid has been taking care all along for, doesnt really agree in sending her back. I told my mum, if need be, we'll just send her back even if my ah ma disagrees. cause i really think that after one week if a new maid is being engaged, ah ma would have been well 'accustomed' to her already. Anyway, i'm feeling damn frustrated about this. Mum wants me to talk ah ma round, as in, persuade her to send the maid home. But my teochew language speaking skills have been going down the drain ever since i entered poly. And now, i have teochew + hokkien + BMTC slangs that i dont even know if the teochew im speaking to her on weekends is the genuine 'teochew'. However, i'm just thankful theres someone that loves me to help me go through all this frustration :) And guess what. i fell asleep in the middle of 2 kukus firing live rounds :D this is how tired i am, these days. |