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Catch-mywave, if you can.
Dictionary's Definition: Wave; A swell, surge, or rush, as of feeling or of a certain condition.
The blog's definition: catch-mywave; See if you can catch up with the inconsistent swells, surges, amplitudes that are happening in my vast-changing life. I'm finally 21, and legally able to do everything I've been doing since 15. Time flies so fast that i'm already turning 21 this year. DID YOU JUST HIGHLIGHT THIS SECTION? DONT THINK I DONT KNOW! -Alvin |
about this blog
This blog has been officially opened on April 10, 2009 and, this is gonna be my virtual barang barang garage!Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboard
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Ah Kok,
Ai Zhen,
Chin Heng ,
Derine meii,
Han En,
Jie yi,
MaMa Bear,
Princess Zhu,
Si Han,
Xin Hui,
Xiao Yuan,
Yi Yin,
Ying Hui,
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
random :D
was supposed to post this up sometime back but no time -_-had time today, so here i am at the computer room with some stuffs. firstly, im gonna be proud about a LOVE poem i came up myself! :p my very owwwwwwn! hehe. To my dearest Celine, I see the sun, when the birds hum; I see your love, when i see doves. Your eyes are shiny as pearls; your hair straight without a single curl. The morning couldn't be better; without your Love. You are so flawless; you make me speechless. -Alvin ng :D and yes yes yessss FRIDAY OFF! HAHAHHAA. im so happy! :D because im meeting sweetheart tomorrow night =D Tomorrow evening, i'm gonna disappear from Tekong and travel down the east west line! The friday's gonna be really exciting. I seriously dont know what we're gonna do but i only know that im meeting my sweetheart :D `radom posts :D was cold sweating when i was stand-in CDI. omg man. So anxious and kan chiong. Jeffrey said he cyco-motor when he first did cdi. I think im aaaabit better :X i guess. hahah. I wana be MORE CDI! =D Have a feel of trying out what a Platoon Sergeant does aint that bad afterall! hehe. Before i end, i know its mushy but please let me say this folks :D I love my sweetie pie, Celine lim <3 :D
Theres always this missing piece of puzzle in my life.I think Celine lim is the missing piece :) she completes my life with her love! anyway sweetheart, you left your super expensive lip balm with me.. Now your lips are gonna take more time to heal. and, im feeling so hot right now. I think i might need panadols soon. Anyway, im blogging all this from phone! Hahhaa .. Lazy to on laptop :P. and yes, i gtg! :D love ya! okay listen alvin.
heres the deal.pass your ippt, perform during working days and you get the promotion. the issue aint about performing. Because i think i'm still doing fine. but the biggest issue is the ippt.. Its not that im fat. in fact, i think i look the same. Same build, same height [DOH] same weight and same number of pull ups, or rather, maybe a little lesser :X (haven been training) But its the standing broad jump and the 2.4km. ): The other time i jumped infront of a bunch of recruits. it was 243cm. That was a shocking 1st time i jumped so far. The second time, i merely hit 230cm and then i got a fever thereafter :X The last time i jumped, i hit 210cm. $%@%$^#^%$%#$@ that is 33 cm reduction in gains. And after this last jump, i was down with chicken pox! lol. (FYI, 210 IS FAIL) Now, i've got no confidence to jump again. Damn man. I need to hit the gym again. Late night runs are not motivating. Would rather slouch in bunk watching TV with the rest of the kukus in bunk. Anyway, now 2.4km is another headache. I feel like a fearsome elephant running when im on the track running with the recruits. Every step feels super heavy. NOW. Should i start taking creatine + protein? =D For the time being at least. I need a push for this ippt man. If i pass it, i'm 1/2 way in getting my promotion. If i dont, i'll just continue to work harder! Oh anyway, im home too! hahah. took off. Cant stay in camp all day to look at the recruits. They're darn boring sometimes. They always give u the "i understand whatever u are teaching" look and in turn screw up everything for you. Oh yes! another random thought! :D Im going to sought for an antenna! hahah. One with booster perhaps. Alvin's gonna bring in an ULTRA SATELLITE ANTENNA for the TV set in bunk. Incredible tales on monday night :D News 5 at 2130 Late night movies! And not forgetting the entertainment of being together with 5 other kuku guys watching TV together! yay. thought of something creative again. :D you're gonna receive the first one tonight. anticipate on it :) some people just dont think.
its frustrating to receive emails from people on ebay. firstly, some of them really got either no eyes, no brains or lack of both. ![]() Its written super clearly on my ebay advertisment that i don't do international shipping and only a COD transaction (cash on delivery) in Singapore will be accepted and i see really irritating personnels emailing me. They always start with in their email, that they're willing to pay for shipping etc. And their similar grandmother story will go something like this, them: "Hi, i'm interested in your ebay item #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LG KU990R and im willing to pay for shipping to [NIGERIA]. My son is studying there and i wish to buy him a gift for studying there." In response, "HI, DO YOU EVER READ THE BOTTOM OF MY ADVERTISMENT" them: "Please give me your paypal account number as soon as possible!" morons isnt it? -_- and there was this bugger yesterday night. gmail-ed conversation me while i left my gmail tab open. He asked if he 'remembared' me. Firstly, the english's screwed up. But okay, nevermind bout the enlglish. Then i was acting purely dumb. I said i dont and the conversation started. Him: "Im interested in the phone you are selling." me: acting really stupid, "which phone?" Him: "The iphone you put in ebay". see? They don't even know who they are talking to, its so random. Its really plain dumb and pure stupidity.. you study hard, and ill work hard for my next rank (:
i know its not easy to study, but nothing is easy isnt it?my mc ended in camp as well. Doctor verifies that im well to join back again. Which also means im no longer contagious. hahah. Well, its not gonna be easy for me to continue to maintain or uphold my bmt company's standard but i do hope i can. I've been offered the opportunity and i know that it'll be gone if i dont cease it. Anyway sweetheart, you study hard for your paper tomorrow aights? :) We'll meet up soon, i promise. doctor says im still contagious.
and so, i left for home the day before yesterday :)home's boring. Fortunately i have the guitar and the psp as entertainment. Anyway, mum just got a new viewty o_o and she wants me to sell it. Its a PINK LG KU990R. I think its pretty outdated. Nevertheless, im still gonna sell it at maybe 280? :D Its touch screen! :D Anyway, theres nothing much to blog about. Because i cannot leave house because of MC -_- but theres something i wish to say before i leave house to book in tonight [again]. Sweetheart. Whenever you're down. i'll be there. Whenever you're weak, i'll be your tower of strength. Whenever you're stressed, you can always drop me a message or call. Whenever you need someone to depend on, i'll be there. Whenever you feel like fall sleeping in class, you can divert your thoughts on me. Whenever... ... ... ... ... Whenever... ... ... ... ... Whenever... ... ... ... ... Whenever... ... ... ... ... Whenever... ... ... ... ... Whenever i say "i love you", you know i mean more than what words can express! :)
Its record breaking!
By the time you see this, you're already wide awake.its 4 hours 36 minutes of talk time girl! :D so much things to talk, yet so little time. It was 0124 to 0600 of phone! Even the wireless phone almost died off despite full batt at first :X im blogging using teh phone, because im lazy to switch on the laptop.. remember this?
I will always be there for you too. I promised and i will fufill it. ![]() Source: lost at emotions after hearing too much stories? or maybe because its 0350am. `tell me what to do, please. wha lau. scratches on new guitar -.-
PEK CHEK. okay. maybe it wasnt a good idea to get a good looking guitar (IMO) i think its good looking. it doesnt cost 500 hundred over bucks but still, im upset because its hard earned money from the army. And it already has scratches. The fingernails are causing the scratches. Ought to have gotten a pick guard in the first place. Well, i searched up thousands of threads on the internet, hoping to find a solution to remove those nail scratches but to no fruitful avail ): the only solution that i think might work out would be to repaint the surface -_- but why would i repaint when its less than 2 weeks old! haha. MAYBE, maybe i'll sent it for re-surfacing works. Anyway, it costs like 7 bucks on ebay. You think i should get it? BUT THE CONTRAST it will appear on the guitar will look damn weird. hmm.
wo jiu shi bu xiang xing wo xue bu hui.wo hui jian chi dao di!
tonight is spectacular (: the conversation was splendid.
thanks to her. and only her. 0309am (: eh.
so, whatever i just told you over instant messenger;was an act of bravery, was a suicidal act, or was an act of stupidity? o_o or, none of the above!? i really hope i get an answer :S 12 43 am - *feels extremely zombified*
i can quit now for good.2 weeks of MC, i got so bored at home, that i decided to return back to the game i quitted a year and a half back. it wasn't a very fun game, but it was fun because of the people around me. Very fun loving, very nice people. They were more than just virtual players. When i first started off, i was like every noob individual. But, these heart warming people that i got to know helped me along and i picked up the game pretty fast. Sooner or later, we exchanged numbers, and guess what? We're great friends now. Andrea, she's like a mum to me. Yes, she's actually real mother already. And she gives me morning call when i was in poly. She was there when i was on the verge of breaking down when i broke off with Ping. Ping, she's my ex girlfriend. Forget the fact that we broke off. But she was still a nice girlfriend last time. I never would have known her if i didnt pick up this game. Boy70, very great adult friend. Always been there for me to give me advices and stuff. Theres too much i wana say about him, in fact i just got off the phone with him Anyway, the whole post is not driven at the point of why i picked up the game and stuffs and who deserves credit but, at the #$%#^$%&^$^#^&^(*%&^#^#$%@$%$*&o(*%$#^%& HACKER who stripped my account to ZERO. The game is no longer fun because of you. I wont point fingers on who hacked my account but you jolly well know who you are. If i need to rebuild, i can jolly well do so because i know of great friends that can help me out. But you? If you have to resort to such means to play this game, you're a screwed up loser. Incorrigible and beyond hope loser. happy happy!
hahahaha!i finally managed to figure out the how to play the 1st and 2nd note in continuation of "more than words" by extreme =D after 2 days of misery staring at the guitars. finally.
lets welcome the new addition to the family! :D
But not that expensive either =D RECRUIT BEN. I stil need you to teach me Guitar! CELINE LIM.
i know you're reading.
someone asked, "eh is my girlfriend pretty or ugly?"Person A said, "UGLY" While Person B was rather conservative and said, "Pretty" However, then i said, "She's PRETTY UGLY" =D You asked if you were pretty sweet or, pretty and sweet. I'll say you're pretty and sweet. Gorgeous and elegant. You're just different (: Man's best friend.
WHAT IF I MEET A STRAY DOG WHILE IM BUYING BREAKFAST TOMORROW? DO DOGS GET CHICKY POX? [it was a random question my brains generated when i got too bored at home. So i asked my mum. She gave me the hysterical look as usual, telling me she cannot be bothered to answer me. Hence i looked up wiki-answers] (the english is how cannot make it) yes, of coarse dogs get chicken pox. It is caused from the graviton glands in the dogs euchre and when it get clogged, the disease is spreaded and the offspring is a rash, called chicken pox as known as chickianitiduos poxidientosis. Credits to wiki-answers :D
shit happens.
The very determined me was super determined to not POKE the pox before i slept yesterday night. And guess what. I woke up this morning with, countless of 'flattened' pox. I don't know what happened. Maybe, the toss and turns made them explode. :X Its as though there's a mrt line on my head. north south east west line. at least 1 pox on each line. While sleeping, Facing up, it hurts. Facing left, it hurts. Facing right, it hurts. Face down, its hurts the most. [manifestation of pox on the face] Now, renovation works are still around. The NOISE's really a bitch im telling you. And i cant even lie down without feeling a tinge of pain. pox. would rather be dead.
okay. i prepeared myself to sleep at 3am this morning.but i tossed and turn until 3.30am then i managed to fall asleep because the itch was killing me. 4am, a sms came and yes, it woke me up. Crap, it took me another 1/2 an hour to fall back asleep. 6.30am, another sms came. Damn, i was pretty agitated that i decided, i wont go back to sleep. And NOW IN THE MID AFTERNOON. I really want to sleep. BUT THE NEIGHBOR on top is doing renovations. The NOISE from the renovation works are crazy. Its as though they're drilling a through hole to my room that i'm in. I got to blast my mp3 and stuff in the ear pieces at 3/4 max volume to COUNTER the horrendous noise. If i ever become an engineering product designer, ill design a 'silent drill'. CRAP. Everything is so wrong. Maybe i woke up and started on the wrong foot today. Maybe. the chicken pox, calamin me. :D
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