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Catch-mywave, if you can.
Dictionary's Definition: Wave; A swell, surge, or rush, as of feeling or of a certain condition.
The blog's definition: catch-mywave; See if you can catch up with the inconsistent swells, surges, amplitudes that are happening in my vast-changing life. I'm finally 21, and legally able to do everything I've been doing since 15. Time flies so fast that i'm already turning 21 this year. DID YOU JUST HIGHLIGHT THIS SECTION? DONT THINK I DONT KNOW! -Alvin |
about this blog
This blog has been officially opened on April 10, 2009 and, this is gonna be my virtual barang barang garage!Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboard
worthy click-ons!
![]() affiliates
Ah Kok,
Ai Zhen,
Chin Heng ,
Derine meii,
Han En,
Jie yi,
MaMa Bear,
Princess Zhu,
Si Han,
Xin Hui,
Xiao Yuan,
Yi Yin,
Ying Hui,
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
Just like i'm always there for her that seems to be always there for him,I'll always be there for you. Be it, you're on msn, on tutorials, looking at people do last year papers etc etc! :D Alvin, will be there! :) jia you, jia you! <3 testimonials! :D
PIGTURES PIGTURES. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I was out with my beloved Karen sis yesterday. Well, we went out to Sentosa and apparenytly, she was late for an hour prior to the meet up at Vivo. Nevermind bout the one hour. It was the rain that was our source of concern. While i was still waiting for her at Vivo, i hooked up wireless SG via my phone and got on my ebuddy. Well, I got pretty bored so i was talking to Candy and Peng Jie. Candy, the mama bear asked me not to go into Sentosa because the weather forecast showed a day full of rain. And while i was talking to Peng Jie at the same time, he told me the same thing. As STUBBORN as i can be as usual, i still went on to Sentosa after Karen sis arrived. The rain never stopped, except while we were having lunch -_- So weirdly, both of us were running from shelters to shelters, in the rain and once we sat down and have lunch, the rain stopped. Now the weirdest part was, once we were about the end lunch, the downpour came again -_______- Hence and therefore, we decided to end the trip, go shower and change up and leave the 'rainy' island Sentosa. While waiting for the bus back to harbourfront, i felt my whole body heated up, as though i was having a fever. But still, i didnt know because my thermometer wasnt with me. When i reached home, i realised that i've got several new pimples on my face and true enough, my temperature was burning. Popped panadols and went to sleep. I was due to book in today, for an outfield exercise. But in the end, i didnt go because i woke up with a high temperature still... I knew i had to see the doctor about this fever so i went ahead, got a queue number and guess what, i've been diagnosed with CHICKEN POX. crap. 2 weeks MC. Now, i really thank God it was raining at the weirdest timing yesterday that kept me away from the sea. SINGAPORE SEA. not very clean. IMAGINE, pox on my body + SINGAPORE sea = i dont know what will happen to my skin? Now, this is one of my many many testimonials of how God, and HIS wonderful doings are happening in my life!:D Okay this is random. Look, the incense are burning + the paper notes are SMOKED. But the nearby pigeons are still chunking on the food that are meant for offerings. Don't birds hate breathing in too much smoke too? :\ :D alvin's back for more action! :D
hello hello!its been ten million years since i've last updated. hahahha. heres a quick update. 21ST BIRTHDAY was a breeze. I meant, it was a blast, but passed by like a breeze. For those that came, i sincerely thank you. and to my beloved Jocelyn wong, cheer up kay :D even when the whole world falls, alvin's still around to hold the sky for you. And i just came back from a date with cousin ANGEL :D you know, i too, never expected both of us to go out. But then again, there's always exceptions you know. And since there's a first time, i'm pretty sure there's a second time, third time and so on and so forth. AND HOR. JOY! your birthday wishes came so late lo. SO BO XIM. And when are you coming back again uh? I wana go buy SUSHI WITH YOU at carrefour in SUNTEC! invitations confirmation part II :D
Below is a list of personnel that have confirmed their presence for my birthday and if you suddenly cant make it anymore, please do let me know!JOCELYN WONG Karen jie :D Simon Samuel Ricky Nicholas Sing Heng Chen Xing Han En Felly Jasper and family :) Amelia Ong Zephyr Gerald Farhana Wei Yen Elaine Wei Ming And Phyo Deepa Roanna Jia yi Jimmy Azri Tok Tong Chun Yi Jeremy Wee Tyrone Dickson Aloysius Charn Ying Dan Calvin Ying Hui And for those that have yet to give me a confirmation, please let me know asap! Mei En Mei Leng Huey Wen randoms.
BOOK IN DAY TODAY. OMGXZXZXZ!BIRTHDAY CHALET on friday! OMGXZXZXZ! SO exciting :D 10km easy peasy :D TO: one of my best-est best ex girlfriends :) I really hate to see you fall. You left me for him when i was about to turn 18. We lasted less than two months. You said you were young that time. Are you still as young? Both of you lasted for donkey years, and i felt glad you were with someone better. But many times, you always appear so hurt and stuffs from the relationship and right now, things aren't looking as good for you, is it? Just like you'll always be around for him, Alvin is always around too :) TO: THE BLUE COW. I thought and assumed you were pretty settled with being single for the next few months. But i was darn wrong. Everytime you get attached, you have a piled up mountain of problems. Then you'll phone alvin up and ask how. I'll give you solutions that would work, but they always dont produce the result you want. Anyway, i'm only a spectator of your life and i dont expect you to listen to my advice all the time. All the best in your new relationship :) 10km - easy peasy with 100 plus
my very first army half marathon completed :Di know many SAF personnels ran 21km but heck, 10km for beginners like me is already very challenging! :D I don't know how much was my timing but all i know was, i didnt stop and ran like a machine. Along the running route, i was BLOODY tempted to stop and just give up. But its always the refreshing 100 plusss cups that were placed at several check points that gave me the continuous boost of energy. I never knew 100 plus worked so well when the whole body is drained out :D Oh well, maybe i'll try 21km next year. See if 100 plus can help me pull through :D For those that made the mark of completing 21km, GOOD JOB! :D For the many like me who started off with 10km, its a good start! Invitations confirmations :)
Below is a list of personnel that have confirmed their presence for my birthday and if you suddenly cant make it anymore, please do let me know!Simon Samuel Ricky Nicholas Sing Heng Chen Xing Han En Felly Jasper and family :) Amelia Ong Zephyr Kai Lee Gerald Farhana Wei Yen Elaine Wei Ming And Phyo Deepa Roanna Jia yi Jimmy Azri Tok Tong Chun Yi Jeremy Wee Tyrone Dickson And for those that have yet to give me a confirmation, please let me know asap! Ying Dan Calvin Zhen Wei Sen Yuan Ivan Ke Xin Meng Yu Yanti Marilyn Ying Hui Mei En Mei Leng Huey Wen |