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Catch-mywave, if you can.
Dictionary's Definition: Wave; A swell, surge, or rush, as of feeling or of a certain condition.
The blog's definition: catch-mywave; See if you can catch up with the inconsistent swells, surges, amplitudes that are happening in my vast-changing life. I'm finally 21, and legally able to do everything I've been doing since 15. Time flies so fast that i'm already turning 21 this year. DID YOU JUST HIGHLIGHT THIS SECTION? DONT THINK I DONT KNOW! -Alvin |
about this blog
This blog has been officially opened on April 10, 2009 and, this is gonna be my virtual barang barang garage!Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboard
worthy click-ons!
![]() affiliates
Ah Kok,
Ai Zhen,
Chin Heng ,
Derine meii,
Han En,
Jie yi,
MaMa Bear,
Princess Zhu,
Si Han,
Xin Hui,
Xiao Yuan,
Yi Yin,
Ying Hui,
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
Hello folks
Its been a long time eversince i’ve typed a proper post, or update anything new on this blog. Maybe, i’m just vexed up with life that i dont know what to update. Or maybe, i’m just plain lazy :X Anyway, my stay out from camp priviledge has eneded and im gonna stay in all the wayyyyyyyyyyyyy till O.R.D. Goodness , its gonna be long long long time before that O.R.D day comes! Monday-Friday, always doing the same thing, i guess i got to dig up some passion to make my national service days more meaningful and less boring. Oh yes, mama bear, are u sitll having symtpoms of that dumb flu? If yes, lets go to the doctors if you haven been to one YET. No point not going to one and live day by day with those irritating symtoms with you. And lastly, before i end my short post. To a special friend of mine, wtfish did u even get into a relationship with that kind of chao ah beng -_- I’m totally awed by your choice of guys and amazed you came to me for help. I pretty much wish to help, but i can only help that 10 or 20 percent. The rest of the 90 or 80 percent will be your individual effort already. life sucks now man..
life is like so terrible.I cant even use wireless in my new temporary home. The house i used to live in is under renovation right now and the big and the small has moved out.. grandma and the maid has moved to auntie's house for the time being while parents and brother and myself went over to our old house to stay temporarily. There's no wireless, no telephone line in the old house. No doubt its big, theres cable TV and stuffs, it still sucks when i cant have my basic needs satisfied T_T Staying out from pulua tekong might be a good thing, but can you just imagine going home everyday!? Taking 2 ferry rides everyday!? Waking up EARRRRRRRRRRRRLY in the morning everyday and leaving the island when the sun sets!? Man, you wont know how shag it is until you experience it yourself. Its taxing on the public transport fees and i really pitty WILSON, who is unfortuntately leaving at the far far SEMBAWANG town. Anyway, im happy with camp afterall i guess. Except all the runs and stuffs, otherwise im a happy boy. I have my own office table with my personal pictures and stuffs, air con to dwell in and a comfortable chair that i can slouch and fall asleep when theres nothing better to do in camp! :D Oh yes, and im addicted to a junk food! (recently) I was browsing one of those shops that are in the bus-stops and happen to see "YAM-YAM"! and it only brought back childhood memories. After i paid for it, i happily took my first bite and boy, it was damn nice can. Seriosuly, it was damn damn damn damn damn nice! And its been days since ive been hooked on it. Everyday after i reach home. i have to buy it. If not, ill keep having thoughts of it when im home :X seriously, you replied too late. I've half relieved and half remorseful. Why? Because the nokia e60 died on me days ago and i got a refund of my cash. And i bought a SAMSUNG B300 today :D 108 bucks. MY GOD. Thats a hell lot for a NEW basic phone. Its a flip phone.. Firstly, hearing the phone over a conversation from my side sucks. The pitch sucks. The nokia basic phone was so much better. The ringing sound sucks more -_- Its just that they have more melodies to choose from. the only thing i think, worth the purchase, was the color (red) of the phone and perhaps, a calendar that was installed on the phone. Well, a calendar was lacking in my previous phone! :p Well, now i have a new phone, lets just hope it works well for long! :D and, my Goodness. camp still sucks -_- spending way too much :S
Man, im spending too much money nowadays. Before thailand, i bought zen x fi. Thats 200 bucks gone from the poor man.Then when i came back from thailand, i got so obsessed with psp that i bought one 2nd hand one. Thats a good 230 bucks gone from the poor man again. Then. I realised that the army phone ive been using belongs to Samuel. IF I SPOIL IT. HOR HOR. i got to pay. Ive discussed it with him before. sam say nvm but i pai seiiiii, if the phone does die on me one day. So, the impulsive buyer alvin walked the whole orchard today to find an obselete phone. I walked the whole of lucky plaza for hours, just to find that there's like so many thousands of handphone shops in the plaza so i asked all of the owners if they had NOKIA E60. However, none of them has one. ![]() However, i went back to the shop that candy and sabby and me went to yesterday back at far east. That particular shop was most probably the only shop that owned a Nokia E60. No doubt it was 2nd hand, casing semi cui, working condtion was still as good as new. How i wish it was brand new. Oh well. But i know 2nd hand items wont look brand new at all :X Im kinda regretting right now. Because i've just discovered that the phone was bought by the owner in year 2006. Its year 2009 now. My goodness. 3 years old already, might just die on me anytime. But i've bought it already, tough luck i guess. Nevertheless, i've got complete confidence that it should work until i ORD or something =D Anyway, the phone was S$130 with complete sets, an installation CD, charger, xfer cable and a 2gb RS-DV-MMC ... The MMC sucks man -_-. Its obselete too. OKAY, time for some maths :D 1) 219 for zen x-fi 2) 230 for psp 3) 130 for nokia e60 that makes S$579 bucks in a month. I've overspent my monthly pay this month. Goodness gracious zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Actually, you must be wondering why i even chose to buy an obselete phone. The reason's simple. The phones in the market right now, which have no camera, and slightly high end, has no wifi or WLAN you call it. I find it plain dumb, seriously, to have high end features like email, web browser but no wifi or wlan. They're assuuming that everybody that owns a high end phone can afford data plans from M1 etc. For e.g, sony ericsson G700 business edition, M600, black berry 8700V etc. Super high end, touch screen for the sony ericsson one and full qwerty keyboard for blackberry but all 3 doesnt even have wifi. BIG AND FAT, useless to many unless YOU CAN AFFORD data plans. at least, a big and fat candybar phone like nokia e60, obiang but i have wifi :) im totally awed by this.. lol mid year resolutionsssss :D
21 pull ups ............................... I MAY BE FAT. but i think can be done lah< 9.44 minutes in 2.4km runnnnn. haha my best timing was 10.44 mins. i have exactly 1 minute more to work on. :( but that was long long ago timing. Maybe i should run more with the new recruits.... anyway! i get to stay out everyday till further notice! hahah is like a 8-5 job! :p PSP PSP PSP.
i need to get a psp.(most likely, its either a psp PHAT or psp slim 2000) a modified one, a good one, not a chickhen version one. and definitely, a good condition one i guess. Give me your offers if you do plan to sell your psp :) Mail me at ohmiigosh@gmail.com or msn at alvin_boi@hotmail.com Alternatively, you can call or sms me or leave a message at my tag board! |